Page 32 - Amway Malaysia Product Catalogue (English)
P. 32


                                              HERBALS TRIPLE

           CLEARGUARD             ™           GUARD ECHINACEA M-PLUS TABLET

           MAL11115040T                       MAL05023351T                      MAL13025017T
           102735                180 tablets  100106                60 tablets  111106                60 tablets

           MY  (AP) 128.50  (RP) 161.00       MY  (AP) 92.00  (RP) 115.50       MY  (AP) 153.50  (RP) 192.00
           BR  (AP) 46.50  (RP) 58.50         BR  (AP) 37.00   (RP) 45.00       BR  (AP) 55.50  (RP) 70.00

           ■  A formula that uses a combination of   ■  Each tablet contains 168.7mg   ■  M-Plus Tablet combines ginkgo biloba
             plant concentrates – acerola cherry,   Echinacea sourced from purpurea   with cistanche tubulosa, a plant
             cinnamon, and Spanish needles –   root and aerial parts, and from    that grows naturally in the desert of
             that help improve general well-being.   angustifolia root. This concentration   China. It has been used in traditional
           ■  All-natural.                     provides a more broad-spectrum     chinese medicine for centuries.
                                               source of Echinacea’s numerous
             This is a traditional product advertisement.  phytonutrients.      ■  Suitable for adults who live active and
                                                                                  busy lifestyles.
                                              ■  Supports general well-being.
                                                                                ■  Each tablet contains 150mg
                                                                                  Cistanche tubulosa extract and
                                               This is a traditional product advertisement.
                                                                                  60mg gingko biloba extract.
                                                                                  This is a traditional product advertisement.

              Expiry date: 31/12/2024                    Disclaimer: The products shown are for illustration purposes only and do not represent actual
                                                        product size. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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