Page 36 - Amway Malaysia Product Catalogue (English)
P. 36



           HERBS                                                                TROPICAL
           POST NATAL                                                           HERBS

           CARE SET                                                             BABY OIL

           285998                                         11 components per set  216492                   60 ml
           MY  (AP) 357.00  (RP) 445.50                                         MY  (AP) 26.50  (RP) 33.00
           BR  (AP) 157.50  (RP) 197.00                                         BR  (AP) 10.50  (RP) 12.50

           Pregnancy is a very special time in a   ■    Convenient: Convenient:   An all-natural formula using a
           woman’s life. Eating well and keeping   Easily applied with minimal   combination of oils for relaxing baby
           fit and relaxed are very important as   preparation.                 massages. The blend of high-grade
           she’s supplying the nutritional needs                                oils consists of:
                                              ■    Proven Efficacy:Proven Efficacy:
           of her developing baby.             The herbs used have been         ■  Peppermint oil (mentha piperita oil)
           Postnatal care after delivery is    traditionally time-tested and      – Soothing fresh scent that creates
           just as important because the new   scientifically proven to strengthen   a refreshing feeling when used in
           mother needs to regain her energy   and fortify the body.              massages; enhances feelings of
           and vitality, as well as care for her                                  relaxation and rejuvenation.
                                              ■    Quality Herbs:Quality Herbs:
           newborn. In most Asian cultures, the   Uses standardised herbal extracts    Eucalyptus oil (eucalyptus globulus oil)
           confinement period is a time when   and quality herbs such as manjakani,   ■  – Known for its antibacterial properties
           the new mothers are nursed back to   turmeric, old man’s beard, ginger   that protects from germs.
           health, usually with a combination   and more.
           of specially selected foods, herbs                                   ■  Nutmeg (myristica fragrans oil) –
           and other traditional practices. The   ■    All-natural Ingredients:All-natural Ingredients:   A natural flavouring agent that also
           Tropical Herbs Post Natal Care set   No chemical additives, preservatives   acts as a perfume with antibacterial
           has been designed with this in mind   or artificial fragrances used.   and antioxidant properties.
           and:                               ■    Reputable Herbal Manufacturer:Reputable Herbal Manufacturer:   ■  Palm oil (elaeis guineensis oil) –
                                               Produced by a reputable GMP        Used as herbal remedy, helps to
           • Is infused with essential oils to   certified company.
             enhance & improve a mother’s                                         moisturise and texturise skin.
             well-being during the confinement   ■    Vegetable Capsules:Vegetable Capsules:   ■  Clove (eugenia caryophyllus oil) –
             period.                           Suitable for all races and religions.  Help reduce sagging skin, removes
           • Incorporates modern scientific   ■    Instructions and Charts Included:Instructions and Charts Included:   dead skin cells for a youthful and
             advances and combines them with   Step-by-step guide provided to ease   radiant-looking skin.
             effective traditional formulations in   the usage of the product.
             a convenient package that is even
             easier to use.
           • Is aimed at better addressing
             the needs of modern mums to
             enable them to complete their own
             confinement at home.
           This comprehensive system has 10
           herbal components – used over a
           period of 44 days, for the complete
           care and recovery of new mothers
           after childbirth.

                                                         Disclaimer: The products shown are for illustration purposes only and do not represent actual
                                                        product size. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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