Page 30 - Amway Malaysia Product Catalogue (English)
P. 30


                                             MILK THISTLE
           COENZYME Q10                      AND DANDELION

           PLUS                              PLUS                               OSTEGLUCOSAMINE
           MAL12105028NS                     MAL05023358T                       MAL16025024X

           101156               60 capsules  101831                 60 tablets  121517              120 capsules

           MY  (AP) 212.00  (RP) 265.00      MY  (AP) 115.50  (RP) 144.50       MY  (AP) 93.00  (RP) 116.50
           BR  (AP) 93.50  (RP) 117.50       BR  (AP) 46.00  (RP) 58.00         BR  (AP) 42.00  (RP) 52.50

           ■  Each capsule contains 30mg      ■  This product is traditionally used to   ■  Each capsule contains 375mg of
             coenzyme Q10.                     maintain your liver health. It contains   glucosamine.
           ■  Each capsule contains 100mg      a special blend of three herbs; milk   ■  Also contains Nutrilite acerola and
             L-carnitine fumarate.             thistle, dandelion root and turmeric.   citrus bioflavonoids concentrates.

           ■  Fortified with 25mg citrus      ■  Milk thistle contains silymarin, a   ■  Adjuvant therapy for osteoarthritis.
             bioflavonoids for additional      mixture of active bioflavonoids.   May help improve motion
             nutritional benefits.            ■  Each tablet contains             and flexibility as well as joint and
                                                 –  232mg milk thistle extract    cartilage health.
           ■  CoEnzyme Q10 Plus is a fat-soluble
             antioxidant that promotes good      –  125mg dandelion root extract  ■  The main “building block” for
             energy levels.                      –  75mg turmeric extract         semi-fluids that lubricate joints;
                                                                                  helps reduce joint pain and swelling,
           ■  A supplement to support your health.    –  15mg Nutrilite acerola cherry   and support joint mobility.
                                                 concentrate, which provide the
           ■  Contains edible bovine gelatin.    benefits of phytonutrient plant
                                                 compounds                        This is a medicine product advertisement.
             This is a supplement product advertisement.
                                              ■  This formula contains no artificial
                                               flavours, colours or added
                                               This is a traditional product advertisement.

              Expiry date: 31/12/2024                    Disclaimer: The products shown are for illustration purposes only and do not represent actual
                                                        product size. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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