Page 28 - Amway Malaysia Product Catalogue (English)
P. 28


           BOTANICAL BEVERAGE                                 BOTANICAL BEVERAGE APPLE,

           BERRIES WITH LUTEIN                                JUJUBE & WHEAT PEPTIDE

           299726/310193           85ml (8.5ml x 10 stick packs)  299728               85ml (8.5ml x 10 stick packs)
           MY  (AP) 69.00   (RP) 86.30                        MY  (AP) 89.00   (RP) 111.30
           BR  (AP) 22.90  (RP) 28.60                         BR  (AP) 29.50  (RP) 36.90

           310188                 255ml (8.5ml x 30 stick packs)  The strength and condition of your stomach’s inner lining
                                                              determines good and proper stomach health. Choose to
           MY  (AP) 196.50  (RP) 245.50                       supplement your stomach health with herbal and botanical
           BR  (AP) 65.00  (RP) 81.00                         ingredients.

                                                              Herbal ingredients
           Macular degeneration is common if you're always on
           your electronic devices. Protect your sight against harsh   –  375mg jujube extract and 7.5mg ginger extract helps
           environmental and lifestyle factors. Choose to supplement your   relieve stomach discomfort.
           body with herbal and botanical ingredients for good vision health.  Botanical ingredients
                                                              –  250mg wheat peptide helps protect stomach’s inner lining
           Herbal ingredients
                                                                and minimise risk of stomach lining inflammation.
           –  75mg wolfberry contains antioxidants, especially   –  75mg kelp extract (from brown algae) helps to support
            zeaxanthin, which could help in vision health.      stomach health for better digestion.
           –  75mg chrysanthemum which can support vision health.   –  Ginger, jujube, wheat peptide and kelp extracts are derived
           Botanical ingredients                                via patented technologies. This allows for high-quality,
                                                                pure and concentrated ingredients.
           –  100mg blackcurrant extract contains anthocyanins which
            helps to reduce oxidative stress on eyes.         ■  Portable liquid stick packs; tear and sip. Natural sediment
           –  Marigold flower extract (12mg lutein ester and 1.2mg   may occur due to presence of natural ingredients.
            zeaxanthin). Contains golden ratio of 5 lutein: 1 zeaxanthin   ■  Suitable for vegetarians.
            as recommended by the US National Eye Institute. The
            marigold extract contains 12mg lutein ester, which   ■  No artificial flavours, colourings or preservatives added.
            is bioequivalent to 6mg pure lutein. Both lutein and
            zeaxanthin are known to help neutralise harmful blue light   Disclaimer: Should not be taken by children below 3 years old, pregnant
            and free radical damage.                           or lactating women. Those with medical condition, please seek physician’s
                                                               advice before taking the product. Contains thickener as permitted food
           –  Zeaxanthin is formulated via microencapsulation   conditioner and permitted flavouring substances.
            technology for better absorption into body.
           –  Lutein ester is obtained via patented purification and
            concentration technology.
           ■  Portable liquid stick packs; tear and sip. Natural sediment
            may occur due to presence of natural ingredients.
           ■  Gluten-free.                                      References:
           ■  Suitable for vegetarians.                         1.
           ■  No artificial flavours, colourings or preservatives added.  2.
           Disclaimer: Should not be taken by children below 3 years old, pregnant   4.
           or lactating women. Those with medical condition, please seek physician’s   5.
           advice before taking the product. Excessive use can have laxative effect.
                                                         Disclaimer: The products shown are for illustration purposes only and do not represent actual
                                                        product size. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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