Page 4 - Nutrilite Kids Gummy DHA eBooklet
P. 4

D HA                – FOOD FOR THOUGHT                                                             THE CHALLENGE

                                                                                                                                          Percentage of children (7-12 years
                                                                                                                                          old) meeting the recommended
                            Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)                      Food Sources                                                  serving of fish daily*
                            is one of the most important
                            polyunsaturated omega-3       Seafood – salmon,
                            fatty acids for your child that   sardines, tuna,                                                                       36.1%   10-12 years old
                            help feed the brain and keep   oysters, mussels
                            it healthy. However, their body                                                                                      24.7%       7-9 years old
                            cannot produce it in adequate
                            amounts, and it needs to                                                                                               Inadequate diet and           Not a fan of the taste and
                            be obtained from diet or                                                                                                    low fish intake          texture of seafood
                                                                                                                                                                  1                2

                                                Algae and                                            DHA-enriched
                                                seaweed                                              Eggs

                                                                                                                                                                Kids often don’t get
                                                                                                                                                                their recommended
                            How Does                                                                                                                            DHA amount due to:
                            D HA

                            your Child?              Supports normal     Crucial for visual   Develops central
                                                                                              nervous and
                                                     function: DHA       DHA is a key         cardiovascular
                                                     promotes a          component as         systems
                                                     healthier brain     more than 1/3
                                                     and makes it        of fatty acids in
                                                     easier for cells to   the retina comes                                                                       3                4
                                                     communicate         from DHA                                                                          Might be a            DHA oxidises
                                                                                                                                                        picky eater or           easily when
                                                      Recommended Amount                                                                                  a vegetarian           exposed to air
                                                                                                                                                                                 and this might
                                                       Age (year)     Recommended Amount                                                                                         affect function
                                                       4 – 6              150mg – 200mg
                                                       6 – 10            200mg – 300mg

                                                     Note: This table only serves as a recommended
                                                     amount. The amount includes DHA and EPA fatty                             * Note: Figures are derived from the Malaysian
                                                     acids. Figures are derived from the Recommended                           Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents
                                                     Nutrient Intake (RNI) Malaysia 2017.                                      (2013) and the South East Asian Nutrition Surveys
                                                                                                                               (SEANUTS MALAYSIA).
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