Page 3 - Nutrilite Kids Gummy DHA eBooklet
P. 3


 Did you know that a 3- to 5-year-old’s brain is TWICE as busy   A child’s brain architecture is shaped during   Human Brain Development
 as that of a college student, and perhaps 3 TIMES busier than   the first three years after birth, but that   Neural Connections for Different Functions
 an adult’s?  doesn’t mean it stops developing at the age         Develop Sequentially
        of 3. In fact, it peaks from the age of 3 for
 3-5    literacy skills, building critical language and                                  Higher
        developing cognitive function.
 Years Old  Most importantly, cognitive function serves                                  Cognitive
        a critical role in everyday behaviour and                                 Language
        social behaviour. These skills, complicated yet
        amazing, set the foundation for how they
        develop and learn in the years to come.                FIRST YEAR       Sensory Pathways
                                                                                (Vision, Hearing)
 2x  3x                                               -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
 busier  busier                                       Source: Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University

           Experiences physical          Developing Skills &
               growth & motor                  Abilities                    Major physical and
                                                                            emotional growth
             development skills
 College   Adult  (running/jumping)                                         spurt

 Sources: University of California, Berkeley &   Develops language and      Able to read, identify    and comprehend
           communication skills
                                                                            complex sentences/

 The early years of a child   stronger feelings                             Better balance and
 are very important as it                                                   coordination
 paves way for good health
 and brain development
 in their teenage and adult          3 – 5 years old  5 – 12 years old
 years. These first few years
 of brain development forms                  Age Group
 the foundation for future
 learning, health and success.
        Early developmental years are a period of extremely rapid brain
        development. As parents, we try to do our best to stimulate and
        support this development, including buying the best educational
        toys and material, and even signing the child up for specialised
        educational programmes. But when it comes to feeding the
        brain, have you wondered what else can we do to ensure that
        the child consumes a balanced nutrition?
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